Update on Boat Repairs

Keel and bottom paint A few days later finds the boat mostly bottom painted. The keel remains unpainted because additional work is going to be required to remove the old, uncured filler a previous boatyard used to repair prior damage. The stuff is elastic so it can’t be ground out. We’ll see what the vendor […]

And a New Toilet is Installed

We finally got a few days to work on the toilet problem. I had purchased new joker valves in case we could repair the old toilet, but it turns out the flapper valve in the toilet had become brittle. Once it broke, nothing really moved to the waste tank. Since no parts are available for […]

Old Marine Head: Could it be the Vent?

The more I think about the problems we’re having with the 40-year-old Raritan Cricket manual marine head, the more I think it is likely due to a plugged vent. Or at least one aspect is related to the vent; other issues may be caused by the extremely high amount of gunk on the inner workings […]