Letting Go of the Holding Tank

My almost worst-case scenario came to pass. “Oh, and I need to show you something,” the repair tech said. Up the stairs we climbed to access the cockpit, what with the boat being on the hard and all. She pointed at the holding tank which had been disconnected from all...

Keel Repair Progress

Work continues on the damaged keel. As a reminder, the keel kissed a rock in the Victoria, B.C. harbor in 2019. This was not the first time the keel has found a rock. I know of at least two prior incidents of keel-rock contact. As we dug into the...

Update on Boat Repairs

Keel and bottom paint A few days later finds the boat mostly bottom painted. The keel remains unpainted because additional work is going to be required to remove the old, uncured filler a previous boatyard used to repair prior damage. The stuff is elastic so it can’t be ground...