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20220912 Rebuilt Ritchie compass cropped min

Reconditioned Ritchie Compass and Two Stuck Bolts

I have been waiting patiently (not really!) for my old Ritchie Globemaster compass to come back from the factory. (To be fair, the factory only took ...
/ compass, Repairs
20220802 Water drip pressurized highlighted

Is This Paloma Water Heater Worth Saving?

Eureka! The source of the occasional wet spot on the cabin sole has been discovered. Mystery solved...and a problem to resolve. The old Paloma instant hot ...
/ Repairs, water system
20220723 Galley stove

Next: Propane System…and More

Now that the holding tank situation is fully resolved (and a big, big thank you to Osprey Boatworks for the great help with this project, along ...
/ Maintenance, Repairs
20220715 Mirror in inspection port

Finally a New, Working Holding Tank

As described in the previous post, we have a new, sweet-smelling holding tank. It smells sweet because it has not yet been used! And in fact, ...
/ marine head, Repairs
20220621 New tank fits

Nothing Smells so Sweet as a New Holding Tank

The new holding tank arrived on Monday, June 20, 2022. We had thought that the original tank was intact and just the fittings and hoses needed ...
/ holding tank, marine head, Repairs
20220617 Old topping lift cable featured

Topping Lift: New Cable and Next Steps

New Topping Lift What a delightful surprise to check the boat today and find a new topping lift cable installed! As I approached the boat, I ...
/ Repairs, topping lift

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