I’ll expand on this another time, but I’m learning something valuable: the quality of a boat survey differs from surveyor to surveyor. As I keep encountering significant issues that were not identified in the survey, I conclude that the survey for Swoose could be described as a seller’s survey in that it missed some items, helping in the selling of the boat. Perhaps some surveyors are just not as thorough as others. I’ve had a couple of surveys done and the difference between a $1,200 survey and an $800 survey is noticeable. I need to remember this the next time we do this dance!

Boat Inspection Resources

Why checklists? Checklists help me remember what to look for. It’s easy to forget a detail when I get sidetracked on something else so a checklist is a useful tool. Resources Inspecting the used sailboat Boat US: Boat Evaluation Checklist Port Credit Marine Surveys: Marine Survey 101 Marine Survey...