Delivery Trip: Port Townsend to Olympia

I took advantage of a good weather window to bring Swoose south to Olympia, with a few interruptions and unexpected weather shifts along the way.

Wednesday: Port Townsend to Kingston

On Wednesday, April 6, 2022, Jan delivered me to the boat in Port Townsend and helped me get launched. The plan was to moor in Kingston that evening.

Thursday: Kingston to Gig Harbor

On Thursday, April 7, 2022, I planned to meet some friends in Gig Harbor that evening. What really happened is that I picked up more current than I was expecting. The time I saved presented an opportunity to go through Tacoma Narrows that evening. If I stopped overnight in Gig Harbor, then I would have to be on the move before sunrise on Friday. Going through the Narrows on Thursday sounded like the better option so that’s what I did. My friends met me near Gig Harbor and we buddy-boated to Filucy Bay (Longbranch, WA).

Friday: Filucy Bay to Olympia

The weather “gotcha” on this trip was a small craft advisory on Friday, calling for two to four-foot wind-driven swells and 20 knots of wind, plus some precipitation. I had significant concerns about transiting through Dana Passage with wind coming out of the south-southwest against a lightly incoming tide. I predicted that there was some potential for larger waves than in the small craft advisory.


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