Haulout Day: The Big Reveal

2 years ago

Today was the big reveal! Today was the day to pull Swoose out of the water so that the keel…

Note about toilet and coolant hose!

2 years ago

I can't say often enough how happy we are to have a working toilet and a working engine! Yesterday, we…

Unhappy With Coolant Hose Replacement

2 years ago

We had some sunny days this past weekend so it was a great time to climb into the port lazarette…

Miscellaneous Thoughts on Projects Big and Small

2 years ago

So much to do and so little time. And that's not completely true. Very few of the boat projects are…

Electrical Projects

2 years ago

There are a number of things to do when it comes to the electrical system. When I read the March…

The Old Dinghy and Electric Motor

2 years ago

We finally got around to inflating the old Saturn air floor dinghy today and testing the Torqeedo motor...with mixed results.…

Topping Lift Replacement

2 years ago

Next on the list of bigger projects list is replacing the topping lift cable, blocks, and line. I've been experiencing…

And a New Toilet is Installed

2 years ago

We finally got a few days to work on the toilet problem. I had purchased new joker valves in case…

Preparing for Repairs

2 years ago

We've spent several hours over a couple of days rearranging and discovering the previous owner's collections of things. I gain…

Discovering the Old Boat

2 years ago

She photographs well, does Swoose, especially with the newer dodger and matching sailcover. But as I spend more time with…